You Have Only ONE Chance To Make Good Impressions

Local SEO Best Practices for Your Business Website

Local search engine optimization isn’t a single strategy you implement to boost your website to the top of search engine rankings. Its powerful digital marketing strategy for business owners wanting to sell to local customers that combines a variety of best practices for SEO. Meaning, if you’re going to increase your local ranking and ensure you are not losing your customer to your competitor – implement local SEO strategies. Local SEO isn’t different from the regular SEO. It’s just that we using keywords that are more relevant to the local audience.

The Biggest SEO Mistakes You Could Make in WordPress

WordPress blogs are one of the most popular ways of getting a website or blog online. This is due to the fact that there are thousands of plugins and themes to download, many free.

How Does Your Brand’s Authority Affect Search Results?

Even if your website has excellent content and is well optimized, without a brand to back it up, you’ll have a much harder time being found in search engine results pages (SERPs). Without clear brand authority, people will be unaware of the product range and will not consciously search it out. Although ranking for branded keywords is relatively easy, getting customers to search for them is more difficult.

Google Analytics Mistakes To Not Do

Mistake #1: Using Outdated Tracking Code Always make sure you’re using the most up-to-date version of your tracking code as a precaution against these types of errors. The traffic will usually display inflated figures, but unless you look deeper, you won’t know where the duplicated traffic is coming from. Even then, it’s difficult to pinpoint.

5 Common Link Building Myth in 2021

We explain five common link-building myths in 2021 and why you shouldn’t believe them. Today, we’ll go over the top five myths that seem to be making the rounds at the moment, debunk them, and hopefully share some useful tips and tricks in the process. And if you are wondering who can help you with this; your SEO agency can.

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